Difference between AS 9100 and ISO 9001 Quality Management

ISO is an outcome of the union of two organizations- International Federation of the National Standardizing Associations (ISO) and United Standard Coordinating Committee (UNSCC). In the year 1946, almost 25 countries met in London and created a new international establishment to deal with international coordination and unification of industrial standards. From this organization, ISO began its journey. The word ISO is originated from a Greek word meaning “equal”. Major benefits of ISO standards include: • Increase of success on public and private tenders • Improvement of internal efficiency • Improvement of company image • Reduced operational cost • Subliminal promotion The most important ISO and related standards include ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 17025, ISO 13485, and AS 9100. Among these standards, AS 9100 is comparatively new. Many entrepreneurs are getting confused over ISO 9001 quality management and AS9100. In this article, we are going t...