Who are Going to be Benefitted by TL 9000 Certification?

Most of the entrepreneurs are aware of the existence of the latest version of ISO 9001 that was published in 2015. The TL Requirement Handbook or RHB contains all the ISO 9001 requirements. As per the experts, the latest version of the quality assurance standard will drive a new RHB Release 6.0. The International Organization for Standardization has already declared that the pair of the new RHB R6 and the existing measurement handbook R5.0 is going to be known as TL 9000:2016. There are many ISO consultancies that are offering premium consulting services to ensure this certification. These services also define the standard and its requirements to their clients so that they can understand how to proceed further.

TL9000 is a company level certification that is centered round TL9000 Quality Management System Handbook designed by the Quest Forum. Though this Handbook includes all clauses stated in ISO9001, it has been developed for communication industry, in particular. It highlights design, development, product delivery, and services, which are relevant to the telecommunication industry. This certification can be issued by authorized third-party certification bodies. Before hiring a certification body, an organization should make sure that the certification body is accredited by the Quest Forum.

New Features of TL 9000:2016

ISO experts are expecting many changes to the TL 9000 additional requirements. These additional requirements are called “adders.” Some of these adders maintain harmony among the new approaches and language of ISO 9001:2015; while some adders attempt at clarifying the intent. There are many adders that have been removed together due to the same ground being covered by the new ISO. Another reason behind the elimination is the fact they might have merged with other adders to turn the entire standard into a bit tighter. 

TL 9000 certification introduces two new adders. The Internal Audit Program Planning clearly defines that an organization’s internal audit program must include all the applicable requirements and measurements along with Handbook requirements. It contains some supplement requirements in areas like:

• Performance measurement
• Software development
• Requirements for specialized service functions
• Requirements to bridge the gulf between telecom network operators and suppliers
• Quality measurement data report

An organization that is seeking for this certification must comply with-

• All the requirements stated in the Standard, ISO 9001:2015
• Telecom-based requirements those apply to all the registrations
• Telecom-based requirements those apply to software and hardware registration

Now, let’s move towards our next section- that can be benefitted by TL Telecommunication Compliance.

Who can be Benefitted from TL 9000?

This certification has multiple benefits, and not all of their benefits are meant only for the businesses. They benefit other parties related to the business as well, such as:

• It provides the buyers with assured quality constantly. This standard compels the suppliers to offer “quality” products or services and maintain that “quality.”

• Suppliers can be benefitted by complying with this standard. With the compliance, the suppliers can validate the quality of their products, services, and customer care. It minimizes the cost of the internal audit and enables them to customize performance reports for current and potential leads. With the help of reliable premium consulting services, suppliers can easily enjoy all of these benefits.

• The service providers and suppliers can enjoy cost-efficiencies and enhanced supplier relationships across the supply chain.

• This telecommunication standard encourages further product and service improvement through a strong commitment to quality as well as business excellence.

A Final Takeaway

From the above discussion, it is clear that how TL9000 can help the businesses, buyers, and the stakeholders. In this context, it is important to note that n organization can reap all the benefits provided by this certification only when the right steps would be taken to ensure the certification. Hence, it would be a better decision to hire an experienced and skilled consultant for dealing with the certification.


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