Four Possible Quality Assurance Certification Questions

ISO 9001 certification can be difficult to achieve, therefore, effectively preparing the quality management system or QMS for certification will ensure the process goes smoothly. Preparations should follow the guidelines found in the ISO 9001 standard, including the eight principles that must be met to gain quality assurance certification. Preparing for the certification audit is very important, and this article focuses on four key questions that external auditors are likely to ask, with corresponding answers that could be used.

1. Has a framework for setting quality objectives in the quality policy been included?

This is a vital aspect of certification that must be checked by the internal auditors. A framework consists of a small process that provides an understanding of what will happen with certification. 

A sample answer could be:

A. We set out annual quality objectives and measure our performance against those objectives.
B. We have a five/ten-year rolling business plan that contains measurable quality objectives, and the measurements used are recorded as integral parts of our annual reporting activities. 

Hire an efficient quality assurance consultant to help prepare an answer that fits your organization’s situation.

2. What external and internal issues are important for the organization’s scopes and strategic directions?

This question refers to the alignment of the quality management system or QMS with the strategic plan of your organization. The external auditors will want to ensure that the strategic direction and the QMS are working together, as the QMS is an integral part of the entire business management system. 

A possible answer to this question could be:

A. We have correctly identified the external and internal issues relevant to our organization and recorded it in our main document.

3. Who are the relevant interested parties?

To answer this question, determine the requirements of interested parties and customers. Consider only the interested parties relevant to the QMS and the organization’s scope. With these parameters, your answer could be:

A. We have identified our interested parties and explained how they are critical to our organization and its scopes. 

4. Have you documented and centered the QMS organizational processes?

The answer to this question is essential for achieving ISO quality assurance certification, as it helps the external auditors determine if the quality policies are aligned with the organizational processes. 

An answer to this question could be:-

A. We have analyzed the organizational scopes and processes before creating the quality objectives. Additionally, we ensured that the organizational processes stay in harmony with the quality objectives.

Bottom Line

Consider these questions, use them to prepare your system, and gain ISO quality assurance certification.

Also ReadWhy Quality Assurance Consultants Are Needed For ISO 14001

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