How to Integrate ISO 9001:2015 with ISO 27001 Certification

ISO 9001 provides a clear insight into an ideal quality management system. It insists on the vitality of ensuring the high-quality products and services to the clients. On the other hand, an organisation needs to ensure the security of the information system as well. ISO 27001 is required for meeting this security goal. It provides an organized approach to secure the confidential data of an enterprise by filling the gaps in the existing management system. These gaps can lead an organisation to data loss or data breach. In this modern era, an enterprise needs both ISO 9001 certification and ISO 27001. Well, the quality assurance certification requires implementation of a Quality Management System or QMS while ISO 27001 requires implementation of an Information Security Management System or ISMS.

How should an enterprise integrate both of these two systems within the existing business framework? This is the question that is floating around your mind now, right? I am going to give this answer. Let’s check it out.

Basic Differences between ISO 9001 and ISO 27001

First, it is important to understand the basic differences between the two standards. Among so differences, only the major one is listed here-

• ISO 9001:2015 describes all the necessary specifications for a QMS. Its main aim is to demonstrate the capabilities of maintaining high-quality products or services.

• ISO 27001 explains all the required limitations for ISMS. Its main aim is to include all the legal requirements, be it legal requirements, physical, or technical hard copies.

You can see that the purposes of these two standards are entirely different from each other. Therein lays the basic difference between the two.

Similarities between ISO 9001 & ISO 27001

Now, let us head towards the similarities between the ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certification because knowing the commonness is equally important for starting the integration process:

• Defining the Scope, Policy, and Business Objectives

You should define the company’s profile, mission statement, goals, and objectives.

• Documentation System and Effectiveness

Each and every vital activity must be documented. This documentation plays a critical role in the audit process conducted by the independent auditors.

• Management Review

Both ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 want the management to arrange meetings (monthly, quarterly, or yearly) for reviewing the performance of the newly implemented or existing systems.

• Internal Audits

Internal audit is mandatory for every ISO standard. It intends to ensure that everything is fine within the system and it is working as per the expectations.

• Corrective Actions

The phrase “Corrective Actions” implies the initiatives taken for rectifying a series of flaws. Both, ISO 9001 certification and ISO 27001 have attached great importance to the corrective action.

• Non-Conformance

If any non-conformance is being detected during the internal audit, it is important for the enterprises to ensure the closure of the detected non-conformities.

• Continual Improvement

You must ensure that your system is improving continually. Continual improvement is important for every ISO standard.

How to Integrate these Two Systems?

You might be thinking that the integration of two different management systems is going to be a complex affair. Let me tell you that there is no complexity at all. You should extend your Quality Management System so that it can cover the requirements of the Information Management System. By integrating two standards important for your business, you can actually enjoy all the benefits of both of these two standards.

Sum up

Before winding up the discussion, let me provide you with a glimpse of the benefits you can avail from the integration of QMS and ISMS:

•  Improvement of Overall Business System
•  Savings of time 
•  Minimization of the chances of duplication
•  Building a transparent Image
•  Making a Simplified Certification Process

I really hope this piece of information is enough to motivate you for integrating ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 Standard. Good Luck!


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